Typing Tips and Tricks

7 Twitter Tips To Turn Yourself Into A Pro

Twitter is so ubiquitous and easy to use that no one thinks about it any more, even social media professionals. However, knowing a few more tricks than others do on how to use this communication tool can make all the difference. To improve how your online community interacts with your business or brand, you need to use Twitter in the best possible way to get the highest benefits in terms of engagement and revenue.

Geotag yourself

Why not use Twitter’s often-overlooked option that lets you GPS your tweets when you’re on the go? This option can be found at Settings and Privacy, on the left sidebar. Select the option “Add Location to my Tweets.”
Although seemingly trivial, this little tweak could help promote more engagement with people in the same general area as you are. You can arrange a meeting on the spot or an informal get-together, simply because someone nearby saw your tweet and wanted to engage with you in person. Think business, business, business!

Tweet freely (that is, over 140 characters)

Do you find yourself getting frustrated that you need to reduce and simplify complex ideas to fit the 140-character limit? Did you know that you’re not really limited to that well-known number?
You will need a third-party application to cross the 140-character border, but it’s definitely worth it. All you need to do is sign in with your Twitter details to Twitlonger, and you can tweet your heart away.

Smart email alerts

Go to your Email Notifications under Settings. Here you can fine-tune your email notifications so that you can see what’s going on in the Tweetsphere without having to leave your inbox.

Do you want to receive alerts each time one of your tweets gets retweeted? Check. Do you want to get an email notification when someone starts following you? Check.

Twitter lets you customize over 20 email notification settings to fit your schedule and Twittering strategy. To avoid a packed inbox, use these notifications wisely. You can create filters and other parameters to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed with Twitter email notifications.

Engage with followers – the right way

When is the best time to tweet and engage with your followers? There’s no right and wrong answer. If your followers are from a different time zone, it doesn’t matter if experts say “Tweet on the weekends” or “only on weekdays” if you’re a B2C brand.

Of course, you need to take into account all of these analytics so you don’t end up wasting valuable time and Twitterspace, but you can also do another thing: tailor your Twitter engagement with your followers.
Use a service like Tweriod to see when the majority of your followers is on Twitter. This service essentially pinpoints the best time during each day when it will benefit you most to tweet, which will help drive up engagement.

Improve your typing skills

You might schedule a tweet from your laptop before heading to work and edit it while on the subway. We use multiple devices during the day and being equally competent in all types of touch screens and keyboards is essential.

Level up your Twitter mastery by improving your typing speed and accuracy. Whose going to retweet a tweet full of typos?

Do you unfollow?

Do you need more followers, or get the ones you have to be more engaged? Several web apps allow you to see who’s following you that you’re not following, and who you’re following that ignores you. You can even find inactive users.

For instance, ManageFilter and JustUnfollow help you get a Twitter “spring cleaning” so that your Tweets don’t fall on deaf ears.

The Language Master

Jargon and pretentiously intricate language turn your followers away. Opt for simple vocabulary and sentence structure to make your tweets more appealing.

However, don’t entirely skip industry jargon, if it’s appropriate to use in a specific tweet. When it’s directed to the right audience, you can always put your industry-related vocabulary knowledge into good use.

You’re representing a business or a brand with every tweet, so it’s important to offer tweets that are well constructed and well written, that illustrate your expertise and status in the industry. Word choice is one important way to remind people of your leading status.

These tips will help you make the most out of Twitter and drive up user engagement with your business, ultimately leading to more sales and revenue.

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