All About Speed ReadingErgonomicsPartnered Post

Students that Type Well Test Well!

STUDENTS WITH STRONG KEYBOARDING SKILLS PERFORM BETTER ON ACT TESTING It may or may not come as a surprise that a strong typing skill has a positive impact on a student’s ability to perform well on a standardized test such as the ACT. In a test given to 140 Utah 11th grade students, the higher the student’s typing speed, the better they performed on average on their ACT test.  Students scoring a 28 or higher composite score had a typing average near 70 WPM, where their counterparts scoring 15 or below had an average typing speed of only 36 WPM. KEYBOARDING SKILLS PROMOTE STUDENT SUCCESS Teachers and administrators looking for ways to improve overall student performance may need to look no further than to invest more time and effort into building keyboarding skills.  Considering that high levels of coursework, tests, and general instruction are now computer based, it seems a logical conclusion that schools should be paying more attention to the level of proficiency that their students are achieving in keyboard mastery.  “Teaching students proficient keyboarding skills removes roadblocks that limit performance. If students have learned all of the information needed for an assessment but are unable to type it onto the computer in a timely manner, their scores will – not properly reflect learning outcomes.”   ~Beth Budinich JOB MARKET & COMPUTER SKILLS In the 2023 U.S. labor market, 92% of all careers now require some level of digital skills, yet 1/3 of workers are lacking in these foundational skills1. …

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The Simple Ways Advanced Writing Skills Boost Your Academic and Career Success

When you’re bored, tired, or simply don’t like the essay you must write, some ideas can make your writing easier. Both the my favorite food essay and deep research that requires the use of a few dozen sources can be helpful for you in something more than becoming more familiar with yourself or a particular topic. The list of the reasons why developed writing skills can be helpful for your academic performance and career isn’t as short as you can expect. Saving your time. Time is the most valuable resource we have in our lives. Except for the philosophical side, time is crucial for academic success. Developing your writing skills can help to save time because the better you do something, the faster you can do it. You might not like writing essays, but the ability to do it fast can be very helpful for you to free some time for other assignments or rest. Clarity and precision. Wherever you are and whatever you do, it’s very good for you to be able to represent your ideas in a clear and precise way. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about academic writing or a creative one. Clarity and precision are important features for both. Hence, when you’re developing your writing skills, you also develop clarity and precision of your thinking and of representing the ideas you have. Critical thinking. Again, we can consider academic writing or creative writing, it’s up to you. If you need to write an academic paper,…

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All About Touch TypingPartnered Post

Essential Typing Techniques for Beginners

Typing is an indispensable skill for students and professionals. In today’s digital age, almost everything we do revolves around it. For example, we type on our phones to communicate with friends. Likewise, individuals use laptops to create documents or presentations. Whichever category you belong to, mastering typing techniques enhances productivity. Some people type as if they were born with the ability. In contrast, others struggle with the simplest words. But you’d soon discover that expert typists all started from somewhere. Learning how to type saves time and improves communication by eliminating errors. If you still look at the keyboard and type at an unbearably slow speed, use these typing tips to increase your ability.  How to Improve Your Typing as a Beginner  Becoming a proficient typist requires dedication and practice. But these typing beginner techniques reduce the learning curve. Check them out below:  Choose a Device That Matches Your Skill Level  Many people don’t know that the type of device they use affects their typing experience. The reason is that keyboard designs vary between devices. Laptops, tablets, and smartphones have compact keyboards. In contrast, traditional desktops have spaced-out keys. Mechanical keyboards give audio feedback with each keypress and a tactile bump that enhances typing skills. Touchscreens have shallow key travel or tactile feedback. As a result, writing on a touchscreen is more challenging. External keyboards are more ergonomic, as they allow you to adjust your wrists. Some devices further provide auto-correct or predictive text functions, although they may not always…

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