Checking this post out will give you a wealth of crafts and uses for your keyboard that you never knew you could easily do! Everything from secret hiding places to rings and magnets, no longer is your keyboard just a device for touch typing.
1) Frame it up! Oh the beauty of upcycling…
2) Express your love to someone with this lovely keyboard chains
3) Level up your ring accessories with these cuties
4) How about necklaces and keyboard?
5) Earrings, ladies?
6) Create a new toy for your kid from your old keyboard
7) Put into good use the old keys as refrigerator magnets
8) Pencil Cup – the keyboard edition!
9) Unique Tabletop from Apple Laptop Keys by VicolopPagliaCorta
10) Wall hanger made, once again, from Apple Laptop Keys
The last two upcycle designs were made by artist VicoloPagliaCorta. The Typesy Team were really impressed with how they created something new with old apple laptop keys.
Created a beautiful masterpiece out of your old computer or accessories? Share it with us by commenting through our social media post!
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