Everything about your workspace affects how well you’re able to type, and that includes the top of your desk – and what’s on it, or not. Ideally, your work surface should be uncluttered. There’s a reason for this that goes beyond neatness. If your work surface is cluttered, you may not have enough space to position your monitor and other components in the most ergonomically desirable positions. This can lead to awkward posture, which, besides leading to back pain, can trigger muscle soreness, constricted blood vessels, and other health issues.
Something else that’s important about your work surface is its height from the floor. For the typical computer user, the ideal height from the floor to the top of the work surface ranges between 26 and 29 inches. Before you start searching for a ruler, here’s one way to tell if your work surface is at an adequate height: it should be a bit higher than the height of your elbows.
If you don’t think your work surface is at an ideal height, consider getting a different desk. You can usually find good deals at stores that sell used office furniture, or if you’re looking for a new desk at work, the HR department may be able to help you find one from another area. If you’d rather not get a different desk, desk accessories like a wrist rest or keyboard shelf might be all you need to achieve a comfortable surface height that reduces the risk of developing forearm and wrist strain.
When your work surface is at the right height, your legs will also have adequate clearance. Without adequate under-desk clearance, whether because of height problems or clutter, shoulder, neck, and back pain can develop. Also, if there’s not enough space for your legs to move around, you may develop problems with blood circulation, you may feel fatigued, and you may develop contact stress.
Note: If you experience musculoskeletal pain and discomfort now, or while completing the Typesy Course, you may need to seek professional help. Only someone with the proper training can accurately diagnosis the source of your pain or discomfort and recommend a treatment plan that may or may not include ergonomics.