Long-term and Short-term Memory: Should You Use Pen and Paper Or Type Notes On Devices?

Does laptop note-taking impair your learning? College students use laptops and tablets for note taking during lectures, so do employers during seminars and meetings. However, the switch from the traditional pen and paper note-taking model seems to have drawbacks.

A new study to be published in the journal of Psychological Science explores the down side of note-taking and how the medium a person uses affects their performance later, since it directly impacts that person’s understanding and memory of what they’re in the process of jotting down.

So, while typing madly to get the important points from a lecture may be much more efficient for you because of your typing skills — and let’s face it, it makes you look much smarter — apparently, using pen and paper to take notes might better improve your academic performance. According to researchers P.A. Mueller and D.M. Oppenheimer, who have compared how electronic and conventional note-taking affect cognitive processing of new information, when evaluating whether one is better than the other people will discover that conventional pen and paper provide more value in certain

Their paper, titled “The pen is mightier than the keyboard: Advantages of longhand over laptop note-taking,” asserts that technological devices such as laptops and tablets can in fact impair the learning process not solely because they promote an environment full of distractions, and in fact favor multi-tasking. Electronic note-taking, according to the researchers, is an automatic process that favors uncritical, verbatim transcribing of lectures. In contrast, conventional note-taking encourages critical processing of the information, which happens during the process of transferring those notes to paper.

The two experiments the researchers completed for this study showed that pen and paper note-taking boosts critical processing of information and thus a person’s understanding and recall of that information. This is something that cannot be said for electronic note-taking, according to the study results. Conventional note-taking allows more control for the learner, because it allows for internal processing and evaluating of the information using references, annotations, and comments that note-taking using word processing programs doesn’t easily lend itself to.

Understandably, touch typing is time-efficient and less demanding than longhand note-taking. Even if it’s difficult to forego electronic note-taking altogether, you’ll find that helps to adopt the longhand mindset: to stay more mindful and critically alert when taking notes on a laptop or other device, that you’re not just mindlessly transcribing words, without really thinking about them and learning from them.

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Upcycle Now: 14 DIY Personalized Accessories Worth Trying

1) Touch Type Your Way, Garnish Your Keyboard

2) Create Attractive Adapters

3) Eco-Friendly Cord Organizer

4) Speakers You Can Create That Works Perfectly!

5) Have A Cheap Tablet Wall-Mount

6)  Iphone Stand With Spoon & Fork

7)  Binder Clip Stand For Smart Phones

8) Name That Cord With Bread Ties

9) Glittered Cover Iphone

10) Egg Carton as Laptop Overheating Solution

11)  LEGO Stand Holder

12) Hardcover Case From Unused Books

13) Homemade Envelope Gadget Case

14) Popsicle Cases Knitted Neatly

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Bring Your Own Device – A Major Trend For Collaboration In The World Of Enterprise

CEOs and managers might complain about the never-ending distraction that technology has ushered into their workers’ office lives, but the truth is the BYOD trend is substantially promoting collaboration in ways no other breakthrough has in recent decades.

Collaboration beyond a company’s meeting room was once considered an occasional and costly task. Businessmen and businesswomen would need to travel across continents to close a deal, and video conferencing looked more like a desperate attempt to decipher words rather than a forum to talk business.

The perfect concurrence of faster Internet bandwidth connections and hand-held devices meant one key thing for the business world: collaboration could finally become an integral part of most companies’ cultures. Add to this fine mixture the instant adoption of cloud technologies and you have a success potion like no other.

The Requirements

Apart from a device, people need to have in place certain skills, including good typing skills and industry-related vocabulary. This is especially important for multinational companies where transactions and interaction with overseas clients is frequent. Employees need to have the communication skills to smoothly and efficiently collaborate with people at all levels.

Benefits of the BYOD Trend

Collaboration is a key factor for an enterprise’s long-term health. It not only prevents fatal mistakes, it drives innovation and accelerates decision making and actual productivity.
As employees participate in the BYOD movement, collaboration is expanding dramatically. It is no longer the privilege of CEOs and other top-ranking high-status people, something that translates into better communication and unparalleled efficiency.
Collaboration in the world of enterprise ensures that products and services can get to consumers faster, since there’s vertical collaboration at all production and management levels. The potential has always been there, and now that the BYOD practices provide the means, this trend enables more companies, regardless of budget and size, to tap into it.

The Future

The consumerization of cloud technologies and Internet-enabled devices paves a bright future for the world of business. As people become more competent users of new technologies, the immediate benefits of wider collaboration will result in unprecedented entrepreneurial progress in more and more sectors of business.

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Typing Faster Can Help Boost Your Productivity

Mindfulness boosts your productivity. The once-lauded “multitasking” has fallen out of favor as its usefulness in overall productivity has been debunked by studies time and time again. Multitasking actually risks depleting your energy and the focus necessary to complete a project successfully. No matter how badly we want to believe we can simultaneously write an email, talk on the phone with a client, and watch the funny cat video a friend sent, it doesn’t work.

According to the American Psychological Association, multitasking entails a lot of risks and costs for the multitasker. Not only does it impede our overall productivity, it has a negative impact on each task we engage with. For example, it raises the risk of making more mistakes.

Your brain can afford to engage in light multitasking quite easily, but when it comes to demanding and complicated cognitive tasks, the brain just loses it after a certain point. By practicing mindfulness, by contrast, you increase your ability to focus and you decrease your susceptibility to give in to the temptations multitasking presents.

With an advanced ability to leverage your focus and attention, you instantly energize yourself to do well in a stressful or demanding environment. Mindfulness gives you a productivity boost. When you’re mindful, multitasking won’t affect your ability to concentrate, because you practice self-control and carry on with the task you’re engaged in, no matter what.

But what does typing have to do with mindfulness and productivity, you might ask?

Well, typing fast(er) brings you into a high-paced cognitive mode that makes you more focused. When you are focused, it’s harder for you to come out of your productivity mode when you’re using accelerated typing techniques, and less likely to think about looking at your inbox or switching to a less demanding task.

Touch typing requires attention and increased focus to be done correctly. What’s more important, touch typing can be both a practice and an end in itself.

Touch typing will help you improve your mindfulness. Next type you touch type, make an effort to stick to it for at least 5 minutes. Don’t stop to think, don’t stop to correct anything. Keep the words coming and you will notice that soon your productivity will soar. Undivided attention can do wonders for your efficiency. Don’t underestimate its power.

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Tracking Personal Goals In Today’s Era

How do you keep track of the time and efforts you put into achieving your goals? Do you keep a journal to note important tasks and milestones, or do you have a more relaxed attitude?

Most people focus on setting goals and make sure to start out by listing the nitty-gritty details required to achieve them, but only a few people spend the time to understand, much less follow, the essential goal-tracking process. Goal tracking is as important as the effort you put in achieving your goals. Without goal tracking, there’s no way of knowing how far you’ve come, what issues are begging for more time and effort, and what sub-goals have already been achieved. Here’s why it’s time well spent to track your goals, and some easy ways to do it.

Accountability on Social Media

Use social media or apps like Stride and Lift to track your daily, weekly, or monthly milestone achievements.

By having to account for your success (or lack of success) to others, you’ll activate a sense of urgency inside yourself which motivates you to stay focused and save face by remaining committed to your goals.

Goal accountability allows you to stay on track, preserves your enthusiasm, and gives you a clear purpose in how to fine-tune your efforts in achieving even more.

Visual Reminders

A great way to track a goal-achieving progress is to visualize it. Have a print or digital calendar on which you tick off each day in which you work on a specific goal. The more consecutive days are ticked off, the more encouraged you are to stick to your goal so as to not break the chain. This “chain of days” habit is allegedly attributed to comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who is said to have developed it as a motivation technique for achieving goals and sticking to good habits.

Keep a Journal

You can start a blog to use to record your struggles and small victories on the way to achieving your life’s goals. If you don’t like the idea of a public journal you can always keep it personal. Have a file or page where you spend a few minutes each week and at the end of the month to review your progress and adjust your strategy.

Since it’s only you against yourself, make sure you don’t overlook mistakes or failures. Honesty is essential. This is about achieving your goals, and if you turn a blind eye to your errors, you will not see any progress.

For instance, if your goal is to increase your typing speed and accuracy, make sure you frequently test your words-per-minute rate. Create a chart to see how each week’s practice gets you a step closer to achieving your ultimate word per minute record, and you’ll keep your motivation high, ensuring that you put the effort in that you need to succeed at this or any other goal.

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13 Epic Tattoo Spelling Failures (PHOTOS)

Deciding to put a tattoo in your body requires a careful design as to avoid creating misspelled tattoos.

Better look at this epic tattoo failures that will forever be in the owner’s skin!

Really Cool for a S-C-H-O-O-L!

Success and Process – LACK OF SPACE

The TRAGEDY of Getting This Tattoo

No REGRETS After Having It


Totally AWESOME!

YOLO = You Only LIVE Once

Looking at an ANGLE

Yes, Regret NOTHING!

Happens When You Get A Misspelled Tattoo – ERASE


Then Or Than?

EXTREME Misspelling Selfie Tattoo!


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Cross-posted on the Ultimate Spelling blog.

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Schools Are Now Adapting To Technology For Learning

Technology is taking over a school near you! Well, not exactly, but slowly but surely, steps are already being taken around the world and education is undergoing a massive shift. Textbooks and whiteboards and the occasional DVD-based class are now making way for tablets, digital content, and 3D printers.

While the message remains the same, technology is changing the medium. Students don’t go browse for a book on the shelves in the library, they do so with a search through their library’s app. From the cloud-based Chromebooks by Google to Amazon’s e-reader Kindle, for the average student learning is more and more tech-driven.

While there’s still a long way to go before every 2nd grade student has their own tablet or laptop to work with in class, the change is underway. The tech-based educational model is not a distant possibility any longer, and what was once science fiction is becoming daily reality. And here’s why that’s a good thing:

Efficient Research

The web offers students access to academic databases and the Internet itself, making the research process easier and more efficient than ever before.


Students can now interact and collaborate through Personal Learning Networks, dedicated forums, and other online school communities to share their thoughts, pose questions to teachers and each other, and work together.

Project-based learning seems to have found its ideal mate in modern technology. Students can continue collaboration after school hours, emphasizing the importance of working together, something that helps students in their education and prepares them for a team-driven workforce.

Independent Learning

With fundamental computer and Internet literacy, students as young as 8 and 9 years old can study independently and at their own pace.

A student can go back to what a teacher said by re-watching a class or lecture. Asking questions via Twitter, creating a blog post for what they’ve learned, or linking to sites that show how that knowledge complements and provides solutions to other issues are but a few more ways technology facilitates education.

Active Learning

Interactive games, instant communication, access to class notes and other media content – everything is more easily and quickly available to students these days through technology.

Students that miss school can join the rest of the class through an online video conference and even participate with questions.

Technology has transformed, and will continue to transform, education. There’s immense potential in new ways to make learning more efficient and successful for the younger generation, and these well-educated students will become the innovators of the future.

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7 Cool And Outstanding Designs For Keyboard (PHOTOS)

Keyboards have replaced the typewriters in today’s era. Compared to its predecessor, keyboards are more convenient to users. The keyboard has also been dotted as the most versatile device used to directly input information into computers or tablets. Due to its versatility, artists create different versions and designs of keyboard that would be suitable to different people.

Here are the top 7 Designs for Keyboards:

1)      Batrider Keyboard for Dota Players

2)      Ancient Design

3)      Born in the ‘70s

4)      Alchemy Lovers

5)      A Little Chemistry For A Keyboard

6)      Word Game: Scrabble Keyboard

7)      Keyboard Goes MINI

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7 Stupid Typos On The Road Signs (PHOTOS)

1. Watch Out For That Lane


3. Better Keep It CLEAR

4. Please, Don’t TOLERATE!

5. This Is Only TEMPORARY


7. BUY For Goodbyes

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The Top 10 Internet Trends of 2013 (Guest Post)

NetLingo announces the The Top 10 Internet Trends of 2013 – view full article here:


Everyone’s talking tech again and NetLingo continues to track the most popular online trends.

Shocking, innovative, and definitely a sign of the times, here are the The Top 10 Internet Trends of 2013.

1) Big Data

2) Frape

Frape me master

3) Hashtag

4) Influencer

5) Listicle

6) Revenge Porn

7) Selfie

8) TBT & MCM & WCW


9) Twerk

10) 3-D printers

The Top 10 Internet Trends of 2013 is compiled by Erin Jansen, founder of NetLingo.com and author of “NetLingo: The Internet Dictionary” and “NetLingo: The List – A Guide to Text & Chat Acronyms.” Get the new book on Amazon.com!

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