Fast Typing Tonics, Perfect Keyboard Skills
Location, location, location – that’s the key to the real estate world, and also the key to touch typing. You need to have your hands positioned correctly on the keyboard, and your fingers have to know exactly where all the letters are without your eyes having to help them along. When your hands are properly placed over the home row of the keyboard, you’ll be able to type in the fastest, most efficient way possible. The Fast Typing Tonics exercises in Typesy help you with specific practice routines to get your hands and fingers used to working on the home row, the top row, and the bottom row, or all three rows together. You’ll get exercises designed to strengthen your right hand and your left hand, separately or in combination. You can practice these skills on your own as well, just by coming up with lists of words or phrases that focus on certain areas of the keyboard, or particular combinations of letters that give you problems. Remember, the more you practice, the more quickly your fingers will get the “muscle memory” that is essential to fast and accurate touch typing. Here are some practice words that target different areas of the keyboard: TOP ROW WORDS typewriter proprietor perpetuity repertoire territory potpourri etiquette propriety prototype pirouette puppeteer HOME ROW WORDS alfalfas flasks salads glass alas falls glad galls LEFT HAND WORDS tesseract cataract stewardess aftereffect exacerbated reverberate vertebrae exaggerate segregate wasted RIGHT HAND WORDS lollipop limply polyphony milky million homily…