
How Can Adults Learn Touch Typing

Categories: All About Touch Typing, Typing Practice, Typing Tips and Tricks |

New technologies keep coming out, and pretty quickly you start to realize that you are in a pickle – you aren’t catching up. This generation is getting further away from you with all their new toys, gizmos, and thingamabobs, and you start thinking, “Old dogs can’t learn new tricks. I’m in trouble!”

But you should hold that thought right there. Hold it – then throw it away. Because even the oldest of dogs can learn the skill of touch typing. It just takes the right methods and tips for you to get in the groove! This article will hopefully get you barking up the right tree.

Step 1: Pre-Assessment

Before you can know what to do better, you have to know what skills you need to improve. There are numerous typing assessments online that can help you test your typing speed. These websites usually measure your Words Per Minute (WPM) as the rate of speed. They also test your accuracy. Misspelled words do not count toward your overall WPM count. Once the time is done, you will be ranked from beginner to professional depending on how good you are. With Typesy, we always aim for professional.

Step 2: Necessities

Now that you know where you stand, let’s talk about how you sit. It may be overlooked, but your posture will help improve your typing. So, sit properly and comfortably on a chair with a back. Don’t slouch. Keep your elbows at a 30 degree angle. All five fingers must be used in typing. Take note of the HOME ROW. These are the ten keys your hands must always start and end with, and it makes navigation easier for your fingers. Each finger will have corresponding letters to press to hasten things up. For your convenience, have a picture of a color-coded keyboard nearby while you type as a reference. 

Step 3: Method of Learning

Now that you’ve got those elements out of the way, it’s time to get on the web. You may opt to enroll in typing classes in your vicinity, but an online typing course will make you your own mentor and will allow you to proceed at your own speed. Typesy is known as the top website by online reviewers. Its advanced technology and multiple courses, challenges, and games will help any kind of learner. Typesy is cloud based and allows up to five accounts to use the same device! Typesy also has a SEN feature which incorporates all your senses in learning how to type. Typesy’s videos are professionally made and the games are irresistibly fun. The best part is: they ensure mastery in less than two weeks with only five minutes of use daily!

Old dogs can’t learn new tricks, but they can learn skills. People say that life starts at 40; touch typing can, too! What are you waiting for? Type away!

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