
How Keyboarding Lessons Can Improve Your School and Help Your Students

Categories: All About Touch Typing, Typing For Kids, Typing Tips and Tricks |

If you’re not teaching keyboarding well, it’s likely causing problems right now

Incorrect typing puts students significantly behind in all aspects of their study and learning. Bad typing technique makes students do everything 2-3x slower, every time they use a computer. This holds up classes, causes late assignments, and reduces teaching efficacy.

The benefits of teaching students keyboarding

If students can type properly, they have a huge advantage in school and in life. Here are just some of the benefits of correct touch typing:

Improved School Results – Correct touch typing makes it easier to type assignments, do research, and communicate. Students complete more work and get better grades.

Ready for College and the Workforce – Students who can touch type increase their eligibility for almost any job. Good touch typing will also make college assignments and practical work much easier.

Work Happier and Faster – Correct typing means using computers with greater ease and confidence. Students will complete all computer related work faster and be happier about it.

To learn more about how you can teach keyboarding effectively with Typesy, please look at our education page, see some happy customers using Typesy right now, or read about some of Typesy’s success stories.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/