
Tracking Personal Goals In Today’s Era

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How do you keep track of the time and efforts you put into achieving your goals? Do you keep a journal to note important tasks and milestones, or do you have a more relaxed attitude?

Most people focus on setting goals and make sure to start out by listing the nitty-gritty details required to achieve them, but only a few people spend the time to understand, much less follow, the essential goal-tracking process. Goal tracking is as important as the effort you put in achieving your goals. Without goal tracking, there’s no way of knowing how far you’ve come, what issues are begging for more time and effort, and what sub-goals have already been achieved. Here’s why it’s time well spent to track your goals, and some easy ways to do it.

Accountability on Social Media

Use social media or apps like Stride and Lift to track your daily, weekly, or monthly milestone achievements.

By having to account for your success (or lack of success) to others, you’ll activate a sense of urgency inside yourself which motivates you to stay focused and save face by remaining committed to your goals.

Goal accountability allows you to stay on track, preserves your enthusiasm, and gives you a clear purpose in how to fine-tune your efforts in achieving even more.

Visual Reminders

A great way to track a goal-achieving progress is to visualize it. Have a print or digital calendar on which you tick off each day in which you work on a specific goal. The more consecutive days are ticked off, the more encouraged you are to stick to your goal so as to not break the chain. This “chain of days” habit is allegedly attributed to comedian Jerry Seinfeld, who is said to have developed it as a motivation technique for achieving goals and sticking to good habits.

Keep a Journal

You can start a blog to use to record your struggles and small victories on the way to achieving your life’s goals. If you don’t like the idea of a public journal you can always keep it personal. Have a file or page where you spend a few minutes each week and at the end of the month to review your progress and adjust your strategy.

Since it’s only you against yourself, make sure you don’t overlook mistakes or failures. Honesty is essential. This is about achieving your goals, and if you turn a blind eye to your errors, you will not see any progress.

For instance, if your goal is to increase your typing speed and accuracy, make sure you frequently test your words-per-minute rate. Create a chart to see how each week’s practice gets you a step closer to achieving your ultimate word per minute record, and you’ll keep your motivation high, ensuring that you put the effort in that you need to succeed at this or any other goal.

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