Learning to Type – Again

Sometimes it’s not how fast you type that matters, but how quickly your typing makes your wrists, shoulder, neck, and back feel like you’ve been there for hours. The physical aspect of typing is a key factor in improving your overall typing skills, which is why this blog and the Typesy software system focus on ergonomics as well as typing speed and accuracy. Author Suzanne Gerber spends a lot of time at the keyboard, and when that was leading to serious physical problems, she found out that she had a lot to learn about ergonomics. She described her experience in an article on the PBS blog “NextAvenue” about getting an evaluation of her typing posture, and what it taught her about the importance of the position of your keyboard, monitor, and body when typing. Here are three of her top tips for good typing posture, and better overall keyboard health:

Make sure that the keyboard is placed low enough that your shoulders are in a natural position. If you have to raise or hunch your shoulders to get your arms at the right height, then the keyboard is too high.

Keep your fingernails short so that your hands and fingers can remain in a natural curve. If your fingernails are too long, you’ll flatten and extend your fingers, and that will affect the way your muscles move (and probably contribute to typos).

If you use a laptop, invest in a separate keyboard – perhaps even a good ergonomic one – so that you can keep the screen at the right height for your eyes without compromising the position of your arms and hands on the keyboard.

Even the best typists know that there’s always room for improvement. The time you spend in figuring out what you can change to decrease any physical issues related to typing will increase the overall time you can spend at the keyboard, and that will pay off in the long run. To help get you started, check out these posts and get more information on:
ergonomic keyboards
chairs to help you sit in the right position
how to organize your desk
your posture at the keyboard
ways to relax your muscles

Read all about Gerber’s experiences with ergonomics here.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

Can Improving Typing Skills Be Fun? www.WordGames.com Says “Yes!”

If you had 15 minutes of free time, what would you rather do – go over a one-minute exercise 15 times, or play a game? Most people would choose to relax with a game rather than work on a repetitive lesson, even if that lesson teaches valuable skills. Fortunately, when it comes to typing, skill building lessons can easily be incorporated into games. At the www.WordGames.com site, there are dozens of games to choose from. Site director Alex Fleming gave us examples of some of those games.

Typesy: Where do you find the typing games that you feature on your site?

AF: You can find all of our premiere typing games at http://www.wordgames.com/typing/

Typesy: Our Typesy software has a section on numeric keypad training, for people who work with numbers doing data entry or spreadsheets. Do you have games that help people improve this skill?

AF: Some of our games will fluctuate between typing words and letters. But there are particular games where you can focus on typing numbers on the number pad. This game is an example of that:

Typesy: What’s the most popular typing game on your site right now?

AF: Our typing games are constantly shifting in popularity, but the most popular games are typically the ones with some kind of competition or survival aspect. Here are a few:
http://www.wordgames.com/the-typing-of-the-ghosts.html (For Halloween)

Typesy: Are there typing games that are designed mostly for children, or mostly for adults? Or can anyone easily learn to play any of the games you offer?

AF: We have typing games that are mainly just timing based games. Where the user is pressed to type as quickly as possible under a time limit. These games with simple UI are geared more toward adults:
Whereas, obviously games with a kitty cat riding a dolphin in a water race and shooting down mutated zombies with words are more geared toward children. All of the games are fairly straightforward, and for that reason, our games have been used in classrooms around North America. Or by parents seeking a simple and free way to teach their children basic typing skills.

Typesy: It’s important for typists to have good spelling skills. Do you have games in other categories of the site that people might be able to use to improve spelling or vocabulary?

AF: We understand the importance of good spelling and grammar. That’s why we offer a variety of vocabulary and sentence structure games within our Typing category of games. Here are a few examples:

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

Ten Fingers, One Brain

Typing is a science as well as a skill, and ever since the invention of the typewriter in the 1800s there have been people studying the process. How does information come in through the eyes and ears and flow out through the fingers, and what happens in the brain during that transmission? If you think about it, it’s pretty amazing that people have all ten fingers moving quickly and accurately when touch typing. Actually, don’t think about it – there’s no time to “think” about each of the finger movements in typing, at least not once you’ve built your skill to a certain level. It’s all about automatic muscle movements, stored memories, and developing the ability to keep typing what you’ve just processed in short-term memory while absorbing the next set of information to type out.

In the book Cognitive Aspects of Skilled Typewriting (Springer-Verlag, 1983), researcher and editor William E. Cooper collected a series of articles by scientists and theorists about typing, and specifically about transcription. “Transcription” is the act of taking in words via the ears or the eyes, and typing them into a document. Other topics discussed include the amount of information kept in short-term memory; in general, people’s eyes move ahead of their fingers by about 8 characters. In other words, you “read ahead” as you type, but only by a word or two, and your fingers are typing what your eyes have just finished looking at, not what they’re currently looking at. With practice, a good typist can increase the number of words/characters in short-term memory. It’s an important skill for a transcriptionist, especially since most people read faster than they type. It’s even more important to increase the speed at which you can take in information through your ears and type it out. All this happens with a lot of practice, so take every opportunity you can to work on this skill. Even if you don’t have or want a job that involves transcription, it’s a good way to hone your overall typing skills.

P.S. If you DO want a job as a transcriptionist, read this post.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

Visit the Virtual Typewriter Museum

There’s a good chance that a person born after 1985 has never used a typewriter – and an even better chance that anyone born after 2005 never will. Once a staple of the business environment, typewriters have been replaced by computers in almost every office in the developed world. However, they’re still valuable resources in places where electricity isn’t guaranteed, and they don’t need an internet connection to work. Some people still hold on to their old typewriters because they like the way using them changes the way they work as writers. Other people see vintage typewriters as works of art; they’re often very complex and highly-crafted machines, and the amount of work that goes into making them isn’t generally appreciated. Of course, the amount of work that goes into making a computer keyboard is also underappreciated, but everything that happens in a computer is hidden and usually on a microscopic scale. It’s easier to see how a typewriter works, and watch the interaction between the keys and the letters that appear on the page when those keys are struck.

It’s also interesting to see how keyboards and typewriters have changed over the years, and at the Virtual Typewriter Museum, you can do just that. You’ll also get a good overview of the history of typing, the important people who played a role in bringing typewriters into the mainstream, and even a set of recommended resources if you want to learn more. Take a break from your touch typing practice and click over to the Virtual Typewriter Museum – you’ll get a new perspective on what you’re learning. You might even be inspired to look for a typewriter of your own!

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

What is a Motor Engram?

“And,” you might be wondering, “what does it have to do with learning to type or improving spelling?” The answer lies in the connection between the mind and the body. You know that your mind controls the nerves and muscles that make your body move in specific ways – you can think that you want to pick up a book, and tell your arm to reach out and your hand to grasp the book. But when you think about it, do you really think about it? Most likely there’s no “thought” involved. You don’t consciously say, “Okay, now I’m going to extend my arm six inches forward and slightly to the right, lower it by 30 degrees, open the fingers of my hand, …” and so on. The act of “picking something up” has been encoded into a motor engram: a pattern of movement that is treated as a single unit. What’s more, the creation of this movement pattern is as much the work of the body as the brain.

Scientists have found that, just as repeated mental commands teach muscles to work in a certain way, repeated muscle motions translate back to mental stimulus. This means that when you do something over and over, it become automatic, and not something you have to think about. This “muscle memory” is what gives a ballet dancer the ability to perform complicated sequences of movements perfectly in time to the music in a performance. If the dancer had to stop and think “now I’m going to do this, now I’m going to do that” they would fall behind the music and the rhythm. In other words, your body can actually move faster than your mind, sometimes!

That’s what makes typing so important for people who want to improve their spelling. When you know how to spell a word, you’ll look at letter patterns, not individual letters. That means instead of spelling the word thoughtfulness as 14 separate letters, you’ll spell it as four clusters of letters: TH OUGHT FUL NESS. That’s because the TH combination is a common one, and there are many words that have the OUGHT pattern (drought, thought, bought, brought, etc.); NESS is a common suffix for adjectives. You might have to think briefly about the difference between FUL and FULL, but isn’t it easier to have only one spelling issue rather than many?

Here’s why learning to touch type improves spelling: the repeated muscle movements in specific patterns help embed those patterns in the brain and the body at the same time. When you have the right motor engram encoded in your mind, it means that the letter sequence OUGHT will be as automatic for you when spelling a word as when typing it. This is one reason why touch typing helps people with dyslexia. When dyslexia interferes with the way the eye processes letter patterns, typing allows a person to bypass the eyes and use the fingers instead. To remember a word’s spelling, simply imagine how your fingers move to type the word out, and you’ll be spelling it correctly.

Reference: J.A. Kleim, M.H. Monfils, E.J. Plautz. In search of the motor engram: motor map plasticity as a mechanism for encoding motor experience. Neuroscientist (October 2005)

Cross-posted at the Ultimate Spelling blog.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

Vintage Typewriters and the Art of “Slow Writing”

You’ve probably owned several computers so far, and it’s likely that they all looked pretty much the same. When the computer screen starts having display problems or the applications stop working or the keys on the keyboard finally get stuck in all of the coffee and crumbs you’ve spilled on them, you’ll make a backup of your files, find another computer in your price range, and make the switch. You probably won’t want to hold on to your old computer for sentimental purposes, or because it’s a work of art.

For people who use old-fashioned typewriters, it’s different. Authors who use manual typewriters say that they develop a relationship with the machine, and that the typewriter often takes on a personality of its own. The sound and feel of the keys contribute to a more physical experience, and the fact that early typewriters had no [Delete] key means that a writer either has to carefully think about and select their words, or just bash away in a free-flow mode without worrying about vocabulary and typos. Either way, writing is a more “hands-on” process with a manual typewriter.

In Los Angeles, Ermanno Marzorati repairs and restores antique typewriters for modern authors who like to do things the old-fashioned way. According to Marzorati, most of the repairs he does aren’t for collectors – people who buy old typewriters for their “vintage” value – but for writers who use their machines to create the scripts and stories that make them famous. Marzorati has repaired typewriters for author and actor Tom Hanks, and has restored machines that once belonged to well-known writers like Ian Fleming and Orson Welles.

Will a move back to “slow writing” mean more people return to using typewriters? After all, the “slow food” movement has led to more small-scale farmers around the world, getting back to a time when quality was valued over quantity, and the virtues of old-fashioned methods over modern efficiency is an ongoing argument in many other areas. Still, since even the best typist would find it hard to keep up with the speed of thought, slow writing doesn’t mean you have to give up fast typing!

You can read the full Agence France Presse article on Ermanno Marzorati’s work here.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

Free Thought, Free Speech, and No Delete Key

It’s so easy to edit, revise, and redo text using a computer that we often forget that the first typewriters didn’t have a [Delete] key. Once you pressed the key that activated the lever that struck a carved raised letter through a band of ink-saturated ribbon onto the waiting piece of paper, that letter was there on the page, and the only way to remove it was to scroll the paper up and scrape the ink off the page – or toss away the whole sheet of paper and start over. Some people think that without the ability to delete (or copy and paste, or any of the other high-tech typing tools we have today) people who were typing had to really think about what they were going to say, and pay more careful attention to the words they chose. On the other hand, there are people who believe that the easy editing possible with computer keyboards means that people who have good typing skills can just let their fingers fly quickly, keeping up with their thoughts as they arrive, whether or not those thoughts are in the best order or use the most descriptive words. In any event, what both sides agree on is that using a typewriter is a very different experience than using a computer.

In St. Louis, Missouri, Henry Goldkamp uses a typewriter to create “mobile poetry” for people walking by his table on the sidewalk, and now he’s put 40 other typewriters around the city to let people create their own words. One of the things he’s discovered is that people are more focused on the act of typing simply because typewriters are so foreign to most peoples’ experience these days that they’re almost afraid to press the first key. When you have to stop and think about how to say something, then you’ll probably spend some time thinking about what to say as well. Goldkamp plans to collect the thoughts of the sidewalk authors citywide through the end of this month. What do you think – will typewriters encourage people to let their words flow freely?

If you’re in St. Louis, you can get more information about the typewriter project here.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

5 Books About Typing

It’s always interesting to look at the history of some of the things we use on a daily basis but rarely think about. For example, take a look at the keys on your computer keyboard. Why are they arranged in rows like that? Who chose the order of the letters on each row? And why did people start to type instead of writing things out by hand? You can read about the history of typewriters and typing to get the answers to these questions, and you can also find books that feature typewriters and how they’re used as part of the story. We’ve listed five of these books below. If you know of any more, or of books that have computer keyboards as central plot elements, share them in the comments!

The Iron Whim: A Fragmented History of Typing (Darren Wershler-Henry)
A global and a personal look at the history of the typewriter, and the way that it has influenced authors and writing over the years.

The Typewriter: An Illustrated History (Dover Publications)
First published in the 1920s, this is a fascinating look – a real look, with pictures – at early typewriter models dating all the way back to 1829. Although the antique typewriters are no longer used, it’s fun to think about what they might look like when put into an ultra-modern setting in one of today’s high-tech office spaces!

The Typewriter Sketchbook (Paul Robert)
Another look back at the first typewriters, the people who invented and improved them, and how these machines were gradually incorporated into business use.

The Story of My Typewriter (Paul Auster)
Novelist Paul Auster has written many award-winning books, including In the Country of Last Things, The Brooklyn Follies, and Sunset Park – and he wrote all of them on his typewriter, a manual machine that he’s had for more than 30 years. In 2002, he wrote a short book about his faithful typewriter, illustrated with sketches and paintings by artist Sam Messer, which shows that the tools we use to write with can be just as compelling as the works themselves.

Typewriter in the Sky (L. Ron Hubbard)
A novel about a man who finds himself transformed into a character in a book that someone else is writing on a typewriter. Are we writing our own story, or is there someone else tapping out the keys to what happens next in our lives? Read this book and find out!

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/

Praktizieren, Practicar, Praksis – Using Languages To Improve Typing

When you’re touch typing, your fingers are moving to the letters that make up the words your eyes are seeing or your brain is thinking. Good touch typists have “muscle memory” that allows their fingers to automatically type common letter patterns, which increases both speed and accuracy. That’s why practicing with text written in regular phrases and sentences is a good way to improve typing skills – you’ll be forming the connections between the words as a whole and the order of the letters in those words, and essentially teaching your fingers to spell a word at a time.

You can look at typing from the perspective of letter strings as well, and not words. This is a more difficult way to practice, but it really helps you focus on the keys each finger hits on the keyboard. Even though it’s a challenging method, it’s a good one for even beginner typists, because it makes the letter-key-finger link directly and requires a lot of concentration. In order to eliminate any automatic word formation and focus only on the letters, you need to use a text that is written in a language that you don’t know. You won’t be able to guess which letters will come next in a word, and at first this will slow you down. However, you’ll find that you’re training your eyes to move more quickly and your fingers to be more accurate in hitting the keys corresponding to the letters that you’re seeing. We’ve provided three practice texts in different languages that you can use to work on your touch typing skills. (Note: You can ignore the accents and just type the letters that you see.)

En skrivemaskin er en mekanisk eller elektrisk innretning med et sett med tangenter som, når de presses ned, avsettes avtrykk av bokstaver på et papirstykke. En skrivemaskin har et tastatur med taster for hver bokstav og talltegn, festet til metallarmer; og når man trykket på tasten, slo metallarmen mot papiret, og avsatte bokstavens avtrykk gjennom et fargebånd. Selv om den fremdeles benyttes i mindre utviklede land er skrivemaskinen nå erstattet av datamaskiner for tekstbehandling, eller en PC med skriver.

Cuando Remington empezó a comercializar máquinas de escribir supuso que la máquina no se utilizaría para escribir textos creativos, sino para labores de amanuense, y que serían mecanógrafas quienes las utilizasen. Así, se imprimieron flores sobre la carcasa de los primeros modelos, de forma que la máquina fuese más atractiva para las mujeres. En los Estados Unidos las mujeres empezaron a incorporarse al mercado laboral con frecuencia como mecanógrafas y, según el censo de 1910, el 81% de los mecanógrafos eran mujeres.

Bei der elektromechanischen Schreibmaschine wird das bei der herkömmlichen Schreibmaschine kraftaufwändige “Tippen” von einem Motor unterstützt. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil ist auch, dass die Taste nur geringfügig heruntergedrückt werden muss. Das verringert bei ungeübten Schreibern die Gefahr, dass benachbarte Tasten versehentlich mitbewegt werden und sich die Typenhebel dadurch verhaken. Die Konstruktion der elektromechanischen Schreibmaschine entspricht jedoch im Wesentlichen der handbetriebenen Typenhebelschreibmaschine.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/


As computer screens get smaller, so do their virtual keyboards. The standard two-hand home row position that touch typists use to type quickly and accurately isn’t possible if the device you’re typing on isn’t even as big as one of your hands. People have been using their thumbs to text on these miniature keyboards, but this is a slow method of text input for most people. Even the world record holders for text-messaging don’t type much faster than 60wpm, which is nearly half of an expert touch typist’s speed. Designers and engineers are now looking for ways to make text input quicker on these smaller devices, and they’ve started looking for alternatives to the QWERTY layout.

Researchers at the Max Planck Institute For Informatics in Saarbrücken, Germany have designed a new layout they call KALQ that rearranges the letters according to thumb movement distances and letter frequency. The letters are split so that 11 letters are on the right side (including all the vowels) with the rest of the letters in a block on the left side, in order to minimize the amount of double-tapping; by maximizing the alternation from left to right, it’s easier to type. The layout is designed for right-handed people, but there are plans to build a mirror-image keyboard for left-handers as well. The research team says that this new layout will let people increase the average texting speed of approximately 20-25wpm to nearly double that speed, and that the people they trained to use this keyboard averaged 37wpm in texting at 95% accuracy.

The new KALQ keyboard was demonstrated at a seminar on May 1, 2013 at the ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems in Paris, and is now available for Android devices. You can read more about the system and the theory behind it, and get the download, at the research team’s webpage here.

Check out Typesy Community and exchange ideas related to touch typing, keyboarding, learning, technology, and Typesy program itself. Login with your Typesy Account here: https://community.typesy.com/