All About Touch TypingTyping ScienceTyping Tips and Tricks

Advantage of Being a Touch Typist

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Today, much of the world lives online. More and more jobs focus on computer and technology skills, such as programming, coding, and developing. If you have been thinking about improving your typing ability, you should learn the touch-typing technique. 

Touch typing is a style of typing that centers the hands on the keyboard and engages all ten fingers, not a few. A good touch typist does not look down at the keyboard when typing. This can help you reach typing speeds of over 60 wpm! Below are a few of the top benefits to touch typing. 

Top Benefits of Touch Typing


The most significant advantage to touch typing is that it is much faster than hunting and pecking. A touch typist uses muscle memory to learn where the keys are and don’t need to look down at the keyboard when typing. If you are trying to type notes from a book or presentation slides, it will take much more time to look down at the keyboard every few words. A good touch typist can usually type up around 80 wpm, which is much faster than the average hunt and peck typist.

Focus & Accuracy

Along with speed, touch typing significantly improves your ability to focus on the material that you are typing and end up with more accurate results. When you can watch the screen as you type, you can identify errors as they happen and correct them as you go. When you are only typing with two of your fingers, not only is your speed decreased, but your focus is divided as well. You will be more likely to retain information that you are hearing or copying when you are not also thinking about the location of keys on the keyboard. 


If you have to spend a great deal of time at a computer, you know how tiring it can be. Aside from the strain on your eyes from staring at a screen for hours at a time, typing can be physically demanding on your hands and wrists. A strong touch typist is more likely to maintain good posture and form, which reduces fatigue and chance of injury. 

When you learn to touch type, your hands are centered on the keyboard and you are able to spread the workload among all of your fingers instead of just a few. Minimizing the movement of each finger helps extend your potential typing duration. 

Career Options

These days, typing is an essential part of many jobs. Even students are expected to do a great deal of typing by the time they graduate. There is an essential number of jobs that not only require the ability to type but the skill to type at a certain speed. 

If you are entering the job market or looking for something new, improving your typing skills opens doors to an extensive range of career choices. A few jobs for skilled typists include paralegals, data entry assistants, administrative assistants, and transcriptionists. Even if you don’t think those fields are for you, excellent typing skills will never hurt your prospects. 

If you have been typing with the hunt and peck style for years, it may be intimidating to think about learning a new technique. And truthfully, it may be. You may find that you have to unlearn bad habits before you can relearn touch typing, and it may take a substantial time investment. But improving your typing skills is one of the best things you can do for your mind, body, and career.

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