All About Touch TypingTyping Practice

Why Typesy Made

Typesy 2014 offers one of the best ways to learn how to type efficiently and quickly. The software is aimed at individuals who need to increase their typing speed, a skill that employers find invaluable. Using Typesy is also a great way to increase accuracy and general health for employees that find themselves on their computers for most of the workday. Typesy has a wide range of features that help users become more efficient and productive typists. These include exercises that are proven to help improve typing, expert video help, statistical tracking and analysis to show exactly where the most improvements can be made, and a number of simple, easy-to-use typing games and fun activities to make the learning process more enjoyable. Effective Exercises and Video Assistance The exercises and video assistance offered by Typesy are two features that propelled it to win TopTenReviews Silver Award. Scientific Exercises The key to any typing software is the implementation of typing exercises that enable the user to gain the necessary experience to become a better typist. Typesy approaches this concept in a unique way. First, the program introduces the user to a series of introductory typing courses and lessons aimed at familiarizing the user with proper typing posture, hand position and other useful tips. Once the new user has the fundamentals down, the program starts him or her off with a number of exercises that focus on individual sections of the keyboard, such as the home, top or bottom row. These exercises…

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Typing Practice

Internet Tricks You Might Want To Know and Try for Yourself

1) Handy Browser – Use it as a Notepad! Click the Link Below: White Background Notepad   Click the Link Below: Black Background Notepad   2) Nostalgic Search – Remembering Childhood Days   3) Notable Keyboard Shortcuts   4) Have Fun and Destroy This Website – COOL! Visit At the bottom part of the page, click the “Destroy This Site” and blow the page to pieces! Just like old video games.   5) Another Nostalgic Effect – Arcade in Google Search Page Go to Google and search for “zerg rush”. Stop the “o” invasion and enjoy! A Zerg Rush is an overwhelming attack in a video game. (Available only in Chrome/ Firefox/Safari).   6) Kodami Code Effect in Once you entered the website, type in the Kodami Code (using your keyboard): “Up, up, down, down, left, right, left, right, B, A”, and keep on tapping “A”. See Nyan Cats and Dinosaur invading the website!   7) It Also Has Its Effect in BuzzFeed! Type Fast the Kodami Code when loads! Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments

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How To Become Proficient At Typing

How many practice hours does it take to become a competent typist? How long will it take to start typing at 120 words per minute if you’re a beginner at the keyboard? There’s no one answer to these questions. How fast and accurate a typist you’ll become depends on factors such as your determination, your resources, your knowledge of typing rules — and, of course, how much you’re willing to practice. Here are 3 tips to help you become proficient at typing. Track your progress frequently It’s important to monitor your progress at frequent intervals. After a few sessions of typing practice, take an online typing test to check how much you’ve improved. Keep track of your best words-per-minute rate and next time, try to break it. Tracking your typing efficiency will keep you motivated to practice more consistently and it will help you fine-tune your typing skills in no time. Keep a public or personal journal Do you have something to rant about? Keep an online journal or better yet, get your own blog. Update it frequently with whatever you’re passionate about. It can even be work-related, or devoted to the novel you’re working on. What matters is that you use it as a way of improving your typing skills. And who knows? Perhaps you’ll get an online international audience while you’re at it. Don’t think of typing as a skill Think of it as the means to an end. If you’ve got this attitude, you’ll approach typing confidently…

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Long-term and Short-term Memory: Should You Use Pen and Paper Or Type Notes On Devices?

Does laptop note-taking impair your learning? College students use laptops and tablets for note taking during lectures, so do employers during seminars and meetings. However, the switch from the traditional pen and paper note-taking model seems to have drawbacks. A new study to be published in the journal of Psychological Science explores the down side of note-taking and how the medium a person uses affects their performance later, since it directly impacts that person’s understanding and memory of what they’re in the process of jotting down. So, while typing madly to get the important points from a lecture may be much more efficient for you because of your typing skills — and let’s face it, it makes you look much smarter — apparently, using pen and paper to take notes might better improve your academic performance. According to researchers P.A. Mueller and D.M. Oppenheimer, who have compared how electronic and conventional note-taking affect cognitive processing of new information, when evaluating whether one is better than the other people will discover that conventional pen and paper provide more value in certain respects. Their paper, titled “The pen is mightier than the keyboard: Advantages of longhand over laptop note-taking,” asserts that technological devices such as laptops and tablets can in fact impair the learning process not solely because they promote an environment full of distractions, and in fact favor multi-tasking. Electronic note-taking, according to the researchers, is an automatic process that favors uncritical, verbatim transcribing of lectures. In contrast, conventional note-taking encourages…

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All About Touch TypingTyping Practice

Making Sense of Touch Typing Techniques is Easy With

If you’re looking for a free typing test, easy techniques to learn keyboarding skills, or just a few fun typing games to help keep your fingers nimble, then you’ll want to visit the website Anyone can join in the fun, and the competitions sponsored by the website open up typing challenges to schools and students around the world. We asked the development team at to describe the competitions and to talk about some of their favorite games. Typesy: On February 10, 2014, your next typing challenge starts. How can people get signed up to participate in the Typing Race? SL: The competition is intended for classes. We’ve provided teachers with a virtual school environment. This environment allows to create classes, manage students, generate assignments, lessons and tests and view their progress. Our concept is that games can efficiently motivate the learning process and the teachers feedback support it. The “Typing Race” is an excellent example for a game which inspire students to practice. Therefore, we’ve created the World Typing Championship for Classes. Teachers can register classes in the competition from their dashboard and enjoy cool statistics to share at the class/student level. Typesy: The games you provide let people practice a wide range of keyboarding skills, from letter placement to whole-word typing and even sentence construction. Teens and adults will have a lot of fun with them, but there’s no game on the site right now for younger kids. Since children as young as three years old are…

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All About Touch TypingTyping Practice

7 of the Funniest Typos We've Ever Seen

Good typing skills are the key that will help you unlock the doors leading to future career opportunities – but not if you don’t proofread your CV, resume, and cover letter before you put them in the mail or hit the [Enter] key to send them on line. While it’s amusing to look at examples of other peoples’ mistakes, it’s not so funny when it happens to you. For example, if you want to highlight your accurate touch-typing skills then make sure you don’t boast about being a “rabid typist.” And don’t count on your computer spell-check function to save you from similarly-spelled words that have completely different meanings, or you’ll find that you’ve infected your job application with a potentially fatal disease. It seems like typos should be obvious to find and fix, but even when they’re hard to miss they’re still often not found and corrected. Not every mistake will lead to a huge problem, but you can stop small issues from becoming bigger ones by carefully checking your work before you call it a day. Don’t leave the editing duties to someone else, either! Even if you’re a CEO or running for office, take the time you need to look over what’s going to be published under your name, because you’re selling yourself in business and politics, and your mistakes in advertising won’t get you much in the way of supporters or clients. And even when you’ve made it to the top, make sure that everyone from…

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Typing Practice

Do You Own One of These Hard-to-Find Items?

You’ve probably got dozens of them in drawers or countertop containers, though not all of them may work. Five hundred years ago, you could grab a handful of them in the barnyard. Since the 19th century, they’ve been used as retirement gifts, status symbols, and artist’s tools, but they’re being replaced by the tools of modern technology, and they’re getting rarer – and more expensive. We’re talking about fountain pens, good ones, that is. Commercialized in England in the 1850s, the fountain pen quickly replaced the older dip pens (goose-feather quills, frequently) that had to be refreshed constantly from a bottle of ink. With a fountain pen, it became possible to let your writing flow as quickly and smoothly as your thoughts, and the pens became widely used in education, business, and at home. However, the age of plastic saw the rise of the ballpoint pen, which replaced the disposable ink cartridge by making the entire pen disposable, and now it’s hard to find a fountain pen anywhere but in a specialist’s shop. The German company Montblanc, which started in the early 20th century, still continues to make their signature pens (the company is now owned by another organization). These aren’t ones that you want to lose in your desk drawer, either – most of the fountain pens sell for between $400 and $4,000 each. As we turn more and more to the computer keyboard or laptop touchscreen for our communication needs, it’s hard to remember that not so long…

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Typing Practice

How to Set and Meet Your Goals

If you’re using the Typesy program to increase your touch typing speed and accuracy, you know how useful the goal and tracking features are. But no matter what you’re doing, or what you’d like to achieve in 2014, be sure to use the same techniques to help you reach your personal goals for the year. We’ve put together some tips for setting and meeting your goals in the new year, and wish you all the success you deserve in the next twelve months! When you set a definite goal – for example, working towards being able to type 98wpm with 98% accuracy – you can visualize that goal, making it real in your mind and therefore something that can really be achieved. What’s more, having a set goal allows you to see your progress as you improve, and that provides positive feedback that keeps you optimistic and energized, confident that you’ll soon reach the goal that you set. If you’re not sure what your goals are for 2014, take some time to think about what’s important to you, and what’s important in your family life, your job, and your personal development. Once you identify your priorities, you’ll be able to start listing some concrete steps to turning those priorities into reality. Because you’ve recognized that these goals are necessary and valuable, you’ll be able to maintain your motivation even when things get rough. Things will get rough, unfortunately, because it’s rare when everything works smoothly all the time without anything…

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Typing PracticeTyping Tips and Tricks

Computers, Comics, and Typing

Are you old enough to remember the original Charlie Brown comics drawn by Charles Schulz? If so you’ll be familiar with the sight of Snoopy sitting on the roof of his red doghouse, tapping away on a typewriter and hoping to write the next great American novel. Unfortunately, many of his manuscripts ended up using the same opening phrase: “It was a dark and stormy night …” Even so, you’ve got to give credit to a dog who taught himself to type! Typing is so much a part of everyday life for people in the 21st century that a lot of the old jokes about typewriters don’t apply any more. Instead, they’ve been replaced by jokes about typing on computer keyboards, and especially about texting – we’re sure you’re familiar with the “Damn You, Autocorrect!” meme. (Note: Remember that it’s a good idea to turn off the autocorrect feature in your word processing program so that you don’t miss any mistyped words.) One comic artist in particular, Randall Munroe, regularly shows his characters spending a lot of time typing at computer keyboards, something that’s not surprising when you know that he’s also a computer coder whose interests include physics and robotics. In a recent “What If?” comic/column he talked about the different words and phrases that it’s possible to type using just the home row keys, or just the left hand, for example. His comic is proof that it’s possible to get creative and have fun with typing, especially if…

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