Why Typesy Made TopTenReviews.com
Typesy 2014 offers one of the best ways to learn how to type efficiently and quickly. The software is aimed at individuals who need to increase their typing speed, a skill that employers find invaluable. Using Typesy is also a great way to increase accuracy and general health for employees that find themselves on their computers for most of the workday. Typesy has a wide range of features that help users become more efficient and productive typists. These include exercises that are proven to help improve typing, expert video help, statistical tracking and analysis to show exactly where the most improvements can be made, and a number of simple, easy-to-use typing games and fun activities to make the learning process more enjoyable. Effective Exercises and Video Assistance The exercises and video assistance offered by Typesy are two features that propelled it to win TopTenReviews Silver Award. Scientific Exercises The key to any typing software is the implementation of typing exercises that enable the user to gain the necessary experience to become a better typist. Typesy approaches this concept in a unique way. First, the program introduces the user to a series of introductory typing courses and lessons aimed at familiarizing the user with proper typing posture, hand position and other useful tips. Once the new user has the fundamentals down, the program starts him or her off with a number of exercises that focus on individual sections of the keyboard, such as the home, top or bottom row. These exercises…