
Joel Runyon Faces The Possible In This Impossible Interview With Typesy Team

Categories: Typing Science |

Joel Runyon

INTRODUCTION: When you have the attitude that nothing is impossible, the possibilities are endless. Whether you dream of learning a new language, bungee-jumping in Australia, starting your own business, or just making the most of every day, you’ll get inspiration from blogger and master of the impossible, Joel Runyon. We asked him about some of the things that have inspired and challenged him.

Typesy: What made you start looking at things in terms of turning “impossible” into “done it!” in your life?

I was sitting at home in my parents basement & spending a lot of time “wishing” my life was different.

There was a lot of stuff out there that I wanted to do – but it all seemed impossible.

I felt sorry for myself a lot, but then decided to flip the script & instead of looking at impossible like something that told me I couldn’t do something – I could try and see it as a challenge to do it anyways.

Typesy: You encourage people to make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen. This sounds simple, but what’s one of the biggest issues that people have with actually doing this?

Getting the balls to actually do it.

Typesy: Your own “Impossible List” has some impressive accomplishments, and they’ve taken you all around the world. When did you come up with this list?

I’ve added to it over time. Originally it was “run a triathlon” – simply bcause it was something that I was interested in doing. 

Every time I’ve done something & crossed it off the list, I’ve wondered – what else can I do that I might consider impossible but might not actually be if I really tried.

Typesy: If someone wants to create their own “Impossible List” should they concentrate on the big items? Is something like “increase my typing speed to 125wpm” too mundane and non-inspiring?

I think it’s really helpful to start a blog to help keep you accountable. Typing is a good goal, but most of my goals tend to be physical or have some physical component to it. I think tying these things to physical, real world accomplishments – whether it’s trying a new diet, running a marathon or just doing something you haven’t done before – is not only physically empowering, but mentally empowering as well.

Typesy: In one of your blog posts you mention that you have a habit of overworking – going without sleep, not doing your normal exercise routines – when you’re feeling under pressure to accomplish something. What do you advise people to do when they’re starting to do the same thing?

I’m not sure I understand the question.

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