
Typesy 2015 Is Ready For Action With Its Brand New Cloud Version!

Categories: Typing For Kids, Typing Practice, Typing Science, Typing Tips and Tricks |

2014 is drawing to a close and with it eReflect says goodbye to the 2014 version of Typesy™.
eReflect has been preparing Typesy™ 2015 for some months now. Today, a completely revamped typing tutor offers even more games, activities, and advanced features to make learning to touch type a fun experience for all.

A Cloud-based Typesy™ Experience

The brand new cloud-based Typesy™ is equipped with the latest tools, features, and capacities to make learning even more efficient and pleasant.

Typesy™ 2015 is entirely cloud based. This means there are no heavy downloads, no re-installs for new versions, no limited access from a single location.

The Typesy™ interface is cloud-accessible for every user, from anywhere. Software updates will be instantly implemented and the user will always have the latest version to practice with. Being cloud-based also means no ads to distract your practice sessions. You’ll also like the fact that you can enjoy fast, responsive software that uses the latest cloud technology to promote your learning.

Social Media Sharing

eReflect’s software products are notable for their compelling approach to learning. Every activity and game is fun to practice with, and every aspect of the software makes learning a pleasurable experience.

Today, eReflect is introducing social media integration for its Typesy™ 2015 software as a way of encouraging users to practice more, and then show off their results on Facebook.

Users can create a unique Typesy™ profile where they can check their practice history and results, as well as share their practice scores with their friends on Facebook. This will be appealing for younger users who will want to do better at their practice to keep improving their scores and sharing them with others.

Practice Gamification

As if the activities and games weren’t fun enough, now eReflect introduces success points, a new feature that lets you collect points each time you complete a practice session. This gives an extra incentive to practice because you know that the more you do the more success points you will collect – and the better you’ll look to your friends on Facebook!

New Games and Exercises

The 2015 Typesy™ has been enriched with even more fun exercises and games so people have plenty of practice material to train with.

This year, learning to touch type with great speed and accuracy will be a piece of cake. A feature-packed Typesy™ 2015 will help you become efficient at keyboarding and reap all the benefits of fast, accurate typing.

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