All About Touch TypingTyping PracticeTyping Tips and Tricks

Touch Typing Basics

What is Touch Typing? Touch typing is a method of typing that involves centering your hands on the keyboard using a specific position. A touch typist does not look at the keyboard while typing and uses all ten fingers to type.  What Makes it Different? If you aren’t using the touch-typing method, you are likely hunting and pecking. Hunt and peck typists generally use only a few fingers to type and frequently look down at the keyboard to find key locations.  A practiced touch typist can type with much more accuracy, focus, and speed than a hunt and peck typist. When you don’t have to look at the keyboard to type, you can concentrate more on the material you are copying, or listen more closely to the presentation being given.  You can also look at the screen while typing and identify errors as they appear. Editing on the go can improve accuracy and prevent future mistakes.  Why is it Important? You can’t deny that technology grows more important each day. Most jobs in business, academia, healthcare, and media require a high level of skill with computers and typing. Many jobs even require a specific typing speed (which is usually higher than what hunt and peck produces).  If you are interested in finding a new career or advancing in your current job, it is definitely worthwhile to improve your typing ability.  How do I Start? Home Position The first thing to learn about touch typing is the home position for your…

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Beginners’ Guide in Touch Typing

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash Why is Typing Important? It has never been more important to practice good typing.  The academic and professional words are becoming increasingly dependent on technology and are looking for individuals who possess strong typing skills. If you have a method that works well for you, you can certainly stick with it. But if you have been thinking about improving your typing, you should learn the touch-typing method.  What is Touch Typing? Touch typing is a method by which you type without looking at the keyboard. You center your hands in a specific position and distribute the typing work among all ten fingers. If you are currently typing using only a few fingers, you may be comfortable, but you are not reaching your full typing potential.  How do You Learn Touch Typing? To learn touch typing, you need to learn the specific keys assigned to specific fingers. After that, you practice, practice, practice. It may be slow at first, but muscle memory will eventually take over and turn typing into a process as automatic as driving a car.  Home Position Using a standard QWERTY keyboard, touch typing involves a specific home (or starting) position for your hands. When you begin typing, and after each word is complete, your hands should be positioned as follows:  Left Hand Right hand Pinky finger Letter ‘a’ Pinky finger Key ‘;’ Ring finger Letter ‘s’ Ring finger Letter ‘l’ Middle finger Letter ‘d’ Middle finger Letter ‘k’ Pointer finger Letter…

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All About Touch TypingNewsTechnology

Man Won Fortnite Using a Kiddie Keyboard

Watch as this man wins big at Fortnite using a simple kiddie keyboard. With the proper typing skills, it does not really matter what keyboard you use! Serando puts his touch-typing skills to the test while entering the Fortnite battlefield, and as you’ll see, just so happens to do pretty well. To beef up your touch-typing skills, visit Typesy. Check out Sernando’s Youtube Channel now!

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Advantage of Being a Touch Typist

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash Today, much of the world lives online. More and more jobs focus on computer and technology skills, such as programming, coding, and developing. If you have been thinking about improving your typing ability, you should learn the touch-typing technique.  Touch typing is a style of typing that centers the hands on the keyboard and engages all ten fingers, not a few. A good touch typist does not look down at the keyboard when typing. This can help you reach typing speeds of over 60 wpm! Below are a few of the top benefits to touch typing.  Top Benefits of Touch Typing Speed The most significant advantage to touch typing is that it is much faster than hunting and pecking. A touch typist uses muscle memory to learn where the keys are and don’t need to look down at the keyboard when typing. If you are trying to type notes from a book or presentation slides, it will take much more time to look down at the keyboard every few words. A good touch typist can usually type up around 80 wpm, which is much faster than the average hunt and peck typist. Focus & Accuracy Along with speed, touch typing significantly improves your ability to focus on the material that you are typing and end up with more accurate results. When you can watch the screen as you type, you can identify errors as they happen and correct them as you go. When you…

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How Touch Typing Can Help You Land a Good Career

Photo by Tyler Franta on Unsplash Are you looking for a career change? Entering the job market for the first time? If so, it might be worthwhile to reassess your typing skills. Good typing is practically a required skill for most professions these days. Employers are looking to hire people with strong computer skills and the ability to carry out tasks quickly. If you aren’t interested in a computer-based job, knowledge of good typing will never hurt your career prospects. Learning to touch type is simple, often free, and can be the best way to secure employment in today’s market. For the six positions listed below, advanced typing skills will help set you apart from other candidates. Medical Transcriptionist Work in the healthcare industry is always a good idea. Medical transcriptionists transcribe recordings for doctors and other medical professionals. There is some special training involved, and you will need to possess some medical knowledge to understand terms and correct usage. However, most of the work can be done from home, and the faster you type, the more you can earn! Typing speed: 80-100 wpm Data Entry Clerk Data entry jobs are fairly self-explanatory and involve entering data into an electronic database. This job is extremely typing-heavy and requires high speeds and accuracy. If you are looking for an entry-level position, this is a great option. There is always a need for data entry, and you can likely secure either full or part-time positions in a number of fields. Typing speed:…

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Touch Typing as Brain Activity

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash Today, typing is just a normal part of our daily life. But did you know it can actually be making you smarter?  When you type, your brain is using a number of cognitive processes that you are likely unaware of. If you’ve been typing from a young age, it may be as automatic to you as breathing or driving a car. But in reality, touch typing involves interaction between language, visual, and motor skills simultaneously.  By activating many different parts of your brain at the same time, touch typing is a great brain-building exercise that increases neural pathways and improves function and memory consistently over time. It is starting to be considered a fundamental piece of cognitive learning for children as well, along with reading and writing.  Here are some of the ways touch typing is helping improve your brain function: Improving Memory When you type using the touch-typing method, you are activating quite a lot of memory skills. Muscle memory in your fingers and hands tells you the position of the keys and the spacing between them. You also have to remember how to spell words and the functions of all of the different keys. When you are utilizing these two different types of memory simultaneously, you are strengthening that section of your brain. If you want even more benefit, try turning off auto-correct. When you make a mistake, correct it immediately by deleting the word and retyping it. This helps you build…

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All About Touch TypingTechnology

Touch Typing: A Skill That All STEM Students Should Have

Typing has long been a skill that has been taught in schools. But it’s a skill that is an absolute need for students who are in STEM classes. STEM (Science, Technology, Education, and Math) students and those who go into STEM fields will mostly rely on technology and computers. And that means the skill of typing will be needed in order to navigate computers and even type of all kinds of documents. Knowing how to navigate a keyboard is tricky. Especially when you need to do it at fast paces where the room for error will probably be scarce. But rest assured, once a student hones in their skills on touch typing, it will better prepare them for what lies ahead in all STEM-related activities.  In fact, touch typing should be required prior to taking any kind of STEM classes. Without knowing how to use a keyboard or computer, then the student will struggle mightily. And at the same time, they won’t be able to familiarize themselves with software that will be used for certain classes. There are many opportunities for students who study STEM for the intent of making it a career. And a lot of employers are looking for those who are handy and know their way around a computer. Most of the time, it doesn’t necessarily mean having the ability to hack into a complex security system (although that shouldn’t be a good idea to begin with, let alone hacking into anything at all).  Poor typing and…

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All About Touch TypingTyping PracticeTyping Tips and Tricks

How Can Adults Learn Touch Typing

New technologies keep coming out, and pretty quickly you start to realize that you are in a pickle – you aren’t catching up. This generation is getting further away from you with all their new toys, gizmos, and thingamabobs, and you start thinking, “Old dogs can’t learn new tricks. I’m in trouble!” But you should hold that thought right there. Hold it – then throw it away. Because even the oldest of dogs can learn the skill of touch typing. It just takes the right methods and tips for you to get in the groove! This article will hopefully get you barking up the right tree. Step 1: Pre-Assessment Before you can know what to do better, you have to know what skills you need to improve. There are numerous typing assessments online that can help you test your typing speed. These websites usually measure your Words Per Minute (WPM) as the rate of speed. They also test your accuracy. Misspelled words do not count toward your overall WPM count. Once the time is done, you will be ranked from beginner to professional depending on how good you are. With Typesy, we always aim for professional. Step 2: Necessities Now that you know where you stand, let’s talk about how you sit. It may be overlooked, but your posture will help improve your typing. So, sit properly and comfortably on a chair with a back. Don’t slouch. Keep your elbows at a 30 degree angle. All five fingers must be used in…

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All About Touch TypingHomeschoolingNewsUncategorized

Homeschool Thought: Should We Use Common Core Standard?

In this day and age, there’s no escaping the keyboard. It has infiltrated every home through every computer, laptop, and phone. Not being accustomed to using the keyboard means you are not able to enter the modern world. Keyboards are used not only for communication, but for coding, filing, record keeping, book writing, publishing, and most other professions you can think of! Keyboarding is such an important skill that schools have added it to their educational programs and Common Core standards. They’ve implemented different skills technological literacy programs for pupils as early as third grade. Now, the older generation might be thinking, “Technology may have some benefits, but games and other distractions abound. Can’t students just focus on writing by hand?” Students can, and should, learn how to write well by hand. But technology is a huge part of modern life, and not learning young will be a problem for them later on. On top of that, keyboarding teaches children speed and accuracy. “But isn’t third grade a tad young to be learning how to type?” Third graders are also at an age where they are susceptible to information absorption and processing. They just need the proper tools – like keyboarding – to help expand this ability. Keyboarding is a helpful tool because it demands precision and speed, exposing children to new information and words while helping them learn how to communicate efficiently. “Will it be too hard for them?” Not at all! The common core standards build the pupil…

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Typing and Common Core - Is It Applicable To Schools Only?

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for mathematics and English language arts (ELA) were established in 2010 to ensure that students are educated with high-quality academic standards in the high school level. With the CCSS, graduates will be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in college, work, and life. However, despite the long-term benefits these standards offer, many parents and educators remain hostile toward the CCSS. They believe that the CCSS’s inflexible approaches constrict their amount of teaching freedom, especially for those in the homeschool sector. A noted issue for homeschooling parents and children is that the CCSS curriculum is strictly classroom-based. Its detractors attest that since the CCSS was conceptualized to guide students into a “unified national learning path”, it’ll be easier to implement it in traditional school environments for close monitoring. The goal for more restricted testing also makes homeschoolers feel like it will be difficult for them to catch up. As a result, many parents are pressured to extract their children from homeschool education. This is merely a misconception, however. The CCSS has been known to be striving towards integrating their lessons and units with the latest cutting-edge technology and tools. This includes the many paid and free touch typing programs available online. With numerous colleges and professions acknowledging the importance of expert typing as a skill, the CCSS has successfully partnered with a number of touch typing training programs to effectively hit two birds with one stone. This is especially useful for homeschools,…

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