All About Touch TypingTyping PracticeTyping Tips and Tricks

Praktizieren, Practicar, Praksis – Using Languages To Improve Typing

When you’re touch typing, your fingers are moving to the letters that make up the words your eyes are seeing or your brain is thinking. Good touch typists have “muscle memory” that allows their fingers to automatically type common letter patterns, which increases both speed and accuracy. That’s why practicing with text written in regular phrases and sentences is a good way to improve typing skills – you’ll be forming the connections between the words as a whole and the order of the letters in those words, and essentially teaching your fingers to spell a word at a time.

You can look at typing from the perspective of letter strings as well, and not words. This is a more difficult way to practice, but it really helps you focus on the keys each finger hits on the keyboard. Even though it’s a challenging method, it’s a good one for even beginner typists, because it makes the letter-key-finger link directly and requires a lot of concentration. In order to eliminate any automatic word formation and focus only on the letters, you need to use a text that is written in a language that you don’t know. You won’t be able to guess which letters will come next in a word, and at first this will slow you down. However, you’ll find that you’re training your eyes to move more quickly and your fingers to be more accurate in hitting the keys corresponding to the letters that you’re seeing. We’ve provided three practice texts in different languages that you can use to work on your touch typing skills. (Note: You can ignore the accents and just type the letters that you see.)

En skrivemaskin er en mekanisk eller elektrisk innretning med et sett med tangenter som, når de presses ned, avsettes avtrykk av bokstaver på et papirstykke. En skrivemaskin har et tastatur med taster for hver bokstav og talltegn, festet til metallarmer; og når man trykket på tasten, slo metallarmen mot papiret, og avsatte bokstavens avtrykk gjennom et fargebånd. Selv om den fremdeles benyttes i mindre utviklede land er skrivemaskinen nå erstattet av datamaskiner for tekstbehandling, eller en PC med skriver.

Cuando Remington empezó a comercializar máquinas de escribir supuso que la máquina no se utilizaría para escribir textos creativos, sino para labores de amanuense, y que serían mecanógrafas quienes las utilizasen. Así, se imprimieron flores sobre la carcasa de los primeros modelos, de forma que la máquina fuese más atractiva para las mujeres. En los Estados Unidos las mujeres empezaron a incorporarse al mercado laboral con frecuencia como mecanógrafas y, según el censo de 1910, el 81% de los mecanógrafos eran mujeres.

Bei der elektromechanischen Schreibmaschine wird das bei der herkömmlichen Schreibmaschine kraftaufwändige “Tippen” von einem Motor unterstützt. Ein wesentlicher Vorteil ist auch, dass die Taste nur geringfügig heruntergedrückt werden muss. Das verringert bei ungeübten Schreibern die Gefahr, dass benachbarte Tasten versehentlich mitbewegt werden und sich die Typenhebel dadurch verhaken. Die Konstruktion der elektromechanischen Schreibmaschine entspricht jedoch im Wesentlichen der handbetriebenen Typenhebelschreibmaschine.