Hey, students! Just because your classes are over until the fall, don’t forget that learning never stops. In fact, you can use your free time in the next few months to strengthen skills that will help you when your studies start up again. Learn some speed reading techniques and you’ll be able to get through your assignments more quickly. Practice developing good touch typing skills and you’ll save time writing up your homework answers, your review essays, and your term papers. It might be tempting to kick back and relax right now, but a little investment of your free time right now will pay off in a lot of saved time in the future.
Check out your local library or community center to see what courses they’re offering and look for an opportunity to take a summer class on typing. Libraries also have how-to sections where you can pick up typing tips, and computer terminals with internet connections that you can use to play online typing games.
Many colleges and universities offer continued student support in the summer with free skill-building sessions that help prepare students for coursework and jobs. If you’re already a good typist, hone your skills – and earn a little extra money – by offering to type up papers for people who are taking summer classes.
When you’re confident that you’ve got speed and accuracy, use your typing skills to get a summer job. Temporary agencies are good places to start for short-term work. They often require you to pass a typing test, so this is also a good way to find out if you really are ready for the workplace, or if you need to spend more time improving your touch typing skills.