
Typesy and PowerSchool Partner to Support School Keyboarding Class

Having a great resource for your students that will help them learn is a great thing, but having two is even more beneficial. Keyboarding is an essential skill that children need to learn. It will help them complete their higher education assignments, as well as become a skill to put on a resume while looking for a job. In the digital age we live in, knowing how to communicate on the computer in an articulate fashion matters.

PowerSchool is a comprehensive resource for the classroom or home settings. Their main focuses are on professional development, the learning gap, scheduling, attendance, and hybrid learning. It is also software, and it can be used by K-12 students to enhance their education. The technology boasts its ease of use while also offering a community aspect. User groups and online forums support the components of the lesson plans. When necessary, state compliance reports can be generated for each student, a big plus for keeping track of progress. They focus on all subjects that students need for necessary success in education while giving teachers more resources to use in one simple and lesson-filled program.

Typesy is a resource for learning how to touch-type, become familiarized with the keyboard, work on typing speed, and increase vocabulary knowledge. It is a simple program that has a straightforward and streamlined user interface. For teachers and students alike, the platform is easily managed because there is no clutter on the screen. Everything is organized into lessons that are customizable. Typesy teaches content that is common core and standards-based. Aside from its learning potential, it also makes students’ lessons fun. Most students who use it look forward to completing their lessons.

With two incredible resources, it makes sense that a collaboration will truly put your children ahead. Because many schools and districts already use both or one of these programs separately, it is a good idea to combine the two into standard classroom curriculum. Not only will it give your students a great advantage, but it also provides them with alternative activities to listening to lectures and doing quizzes. Children respond well when there is more educational stimulation involved in the classroom.