Progress reports are essential to first-time typing trainees. They are able to know at what level their skills start and see them develop as they continue their practice. An example would be regularly monitoring improvement in words-per-minute or accuracy levels. Some also have a fun time checking if they have won badges and special points in games and challenges.
Users of Typesy are able to do all these through the Statistics Tab in the program. The software offers a variety of progress reports. Touch Typing Trainees are able to see reports on their Typing Competency levels, Typing Speed in words-per-minute, Typing Accuracy levels, daily Training Time, and Training Focus.
Typesy has developed a new addition to the Statistics Tab, however, with the Keyboard Knowledge Heat Map Report. This latest feature shows users their keyboard knowledge, which is similar to the base keyboard coverage calculation in the typing competency metric. Each key will be colored according to the user’s level of knowledge, with red for low knowledge, green for high knowledge, and orange and yellow for average knowledge.
To access the Keyboard Knowledge Heat Map Report, simply click on the Statistics tab at the center of your home screen. You will automatically see the report or you may opt to switch it by clicking the drop down button.
The Keyboard Knowledge Heat Map Report is especially nifty for courses on Typesy. The Beginner Course of its Classic Curriculum has the user relearn each row of the keyboard, starting with the home row and ending with the shift keys. More so with the Interactive Curriculum, which has in-depth lessons on specific groups of letter, number, and symbol keys.
Typing trainees and even enthusiasts will come to enjoy the Keyboard Knowledge Heat Map Report. Aside from its usefulness, it also acts like a visual trophy of their typing achievements. Watch the colors of your keyboard brighten up in every practice session with Typesy’s brand-new Keyboard Knowledge Heat Map Report.
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