
Common Core Standards for Keyboarding

Whether you like typing or not, if you’re born in this day and age, computer literacy is kind of, like, a thing. Schools require typing literacy nowadays from children as early as the third grade. That’s right. Technology has infiltrated our education…and that’s a good thing. Typing teaches children how to be accurate and fast at the same time. It exercises their brain and makes it more open to information absorption and processing. These educational requirements were added to the Common Core, American national benchmarks for education and ability in numerous subjects. They help educators and parents know what their students should be able to do after a certain number of years in the school system, so everyone is roughly on the same track to graduation and proficiency beyond school. So, what are these new additions to the Common Core that we should know about? Starting in third grade, students are required to “use technology to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.” This doesn’t mean they have to be authors, but they do have to be able to type sentences and paragraphs to express themselves. Fourth graders are expected to type one page in a single sitting. This standard also amps up the accuracy and speed. There is no requirement for the length of each “single sitting,” but schools usually have a time limit. Students are expected to type at a speed of at least 11 WPM. Fifth graders should be able to…

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Typesy 2019.2.1 Updates for Teachers

April is beginning and Typesy is rolling out lots of new features to celebrate the beginning of spring. Okay, so maybe the timing is a coincidence, but we’re still excited to share with you certain changes we’ve made to the software to improve functionality for our teachers. Read below for details of our 2019.2.1 update! Features for Teachers Assignment Support Teachers can assign tests and exams to their students in the software. As of this update, you will be able to give out and collect assignments as well. Auto-Grade System Admins will be able to create a template that can be applied to all tasks completed by students, in order to test progress, assignment scores, and exam results. This template will automatically grade submitted work. Time Setting for Tasks In a related update, teachers will now be able to further structure their classes by indicating what time of day various tasks are available. Class Pause The new time setting feature is supported by class pause, which allows admins to stop all students from logging in to Typesy until the class is unpaused. This gives the teacher time to grade tests after they are submitted (if you’ve chosen not to use our Auto-Grade System, that is!). Teachers can pause classes either one at a time or all at once. Password Lock Using this feature, admins can disable student ability to change passwords. They will only be able to log in with prior passwords or temporary ones handed out by the instructor….

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All About Touch TypingSchools

Typesy EDU: Single Sign-On Ready

Now more than ever, typing is part of adult (and teen and tween!) life. Whether it’s on a phone or on a computer, typing has become part of our schooling, our professions, and our personal lives. Unfortunately, typing can be a dull business if it’s approached like a hurdle we have to overcome to be successful. Luckily, Typesy doesn’t believe that typing needs to just be useful – it can be fun as well! Our game-based approach gives kids the chance to improve their typing and their sense memory of the keyboard (as well as eating ghosts in Pac-Man). Learning with Typesy is even easier now that we have partnered with Clever, Classlink, and Google Classroom. This partnership means that our users can enjoy our services with one single sign-on  – logging in to Typesy will also log you into your Clever, Classlink, or Google Classroom account. All of your student information and lesson plans will be at your fingertips at the click of a button. Clever, a company made by and for educators, helps to connect students and teachers with software that makes their lives simpler. Teachers enjoy the means to set up new applications easily while giving their students fast, easy access to their information, lessons, and resources. Our partnership with Clever removes the roadblocks to student learning represented by complicated login systems. We now offer Clever Single Sign-On and Secure Sync (a rostering program) for no charge. To learn more about Clever, click here. Since 1998, Classlink…

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5 New Educational Trends to Beat Old School Techniques

Technology has always changed education, and the increased pace of technological development means that change is almost inevitable. Mobile apps and tablets are now being integrated into the learning process both inside and outside the classroom, and stubbornly sticking to old school techniques means losing sight of the many benefits technology-assisted education can provide. Blended Learning Blended learning has its fair share of both advocates and opponents. This type of mixed learning infuses the old with the new. Traditional class tasks and assignments get an interactive, connected character by integrating state-of-the-art props like social media usage, online forums, and internet research into pencil-and-paper classwork. Blended learning emphasizes the significance of the web as a facilitator of learning, where every valuable body of knowledge, support, and resources is available to students to promote their learning. Collaborative Learning Collaboration has always been a favored strategy in learning, and with the omnipresence of technology, it is now easier than ever to establish collaborative learning models, especially in after-school hours. Teachers use collaborative learning models to reach out to the talent already in their classrooms, tapping into their students’ ideas and creativity. Collaboration moves the teacher away from the front of the classroom and lets them join the students in a creative circle, where each student can get into the spotlight. The teacher is regarded as a facilitator of learning in this educational trend, one which is expected to be very popular in 2014. In this model, an added dimension is offered by the…

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